Palace and Church of Samshvilde Ruined Town

14.08.2013 15:24

Central part o the ruined town was the district intended for nobles (coordinates: 41.302560 44.300253). Here the ruins of several palaces are preserved. The ruins of the building – palace - on Chivchavi precipice are remarkable. This palace, built of basalt, was two storied. Its lower floor, probably, was intended for economic facilities. The north wall of the second floor, looking towards Chivchavi gorge, is opened with wide arrow-shaped arches; probably, there was a large balcony. Niches and windows are made in the walls of this hall.

In some ten meters west from the palace there are the ruins of small hall church. The church, like the palace, is built of basalt and should be dated by the same period as the palace. This chapel should be a chapel royal, intended for the noble family dwelling in this palace. The only decoration of the church with collapsed vault is a small cross curved on the top of the south door.

The church and the palace should be built in the X-XI c.c.